Sunday, March 15, 2015

TOW # 23 Dave Barry "Revenge of the Pork Person"

"Revenge of the Pork Person", what kind of literature is that? Will they be talking about some mutated pigs that have become bipedal and started to walk? Well in a way it does. Dave Barry, the author of "Revenge of the Pork Person", is a passage about how the false standards given to women are making them uncomfortable with themselves and how they fit into the clothes that they buy. Dave Barry uses hyperbole to create humor and subconsciously convince women that these standards are unobtainable and unwise to try and meet. Barry's first example of hyperbole is his description of a male. He paints a picture of a greasy, gross, old man who can still be considered attractive. This is meant to convince women that they don't have to be perfect, or even to look that good to be attractive to someone, which is hopefully a confidence booster. He then tells the story of his neighbor who looked fine but was self conscious about her ankles not looking good. By giving an example of something ridiculous like that, the women in his audience can hopefully find a way to laugh at how ridiculous their insecurities are, much like how that thought the woman's were ridiculous. Finally, Barry describes the look of a perfect looking model. He describes a modern model as a person is tall like an amazon, who has been nipped and tucked, and is abnormally thin. This humoring of the model physique gives the impression that the standards set forth for women are completely ridiculous and should not be taken seriously.

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